Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.This is an application for employment or to volunteer at Fire Horse Refuge, Inc. located at: 1826 Flowers Dr. Denison, TX 75020 Phone: (214) 668-4922. It is the policy of Fire Horse Refuge, Inc. to provide equal employment opportunities to all applicants and employees without regard to any legally protected status such as race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status. Please type yes in the box to indicate you read this.APPLICANT INFORMATION:Name *FirstLastAddress: Street, City, State, Zip *Phone Number *Emergency Contact Information *Who should be contacted if you are involved in an emergency? Please include name, relationship to you, full address, and phone number in the box above.Position Applying For: Part Time Horse Caretaker *Salary Desired: $__________ per __________. Please let us know how much per hour, or week, or month you are seeking to earn.Are you at least 18 years old? *YesNoHow will you get to work? *Are you willing to work any shift, including nights and weekends? *YesNoAvailability: Please check all days you are available to work: *MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayHolidaysThe horses must be cared for even during holidays, but we try to work out shifts that are fair to everyone. At minimum they must be fed 3 x per day by someone regardless of weather conditions, and manure and stall management must be done at least every other day, weather permitting. If manure and stall management goes without being done every two days, doing it on the third or fourth day makes it much harder to get caught up for whoever is doing it. PLEASE NOTE: THESE ARE NOT DAYS & HOURS THAT ALL NEED TO BE WORKED BY YOU. THEY ONLY REPRESENT HOURS WITHIN THE NORMAL SCHEDULE WHICH THE WORK CAN BE PERFORMED, AND ANSWERING WILL LET US KNOW WHAT SCHEDULE YOU MAY BE ABLE TO WORK OR NOT WORK. includes provide TO Please check if you are available to work during these hours: *8:30am until 1:30pm1:30pm until 6:30pmAfter 6:30 (Only if a horse is sick and your help is needed)The horses are fed breakfast at 8:30-9:00am, lunch at 2:00-2:30pm, and dinner, depending on available light/season at 5:00-6:00pm. PLEASE NOTE: THESE ARE NOT DAYS & HOURS THAT ALL NEED TO BE WORKED BY YOU. THEY ONLY REPRESENT HOURS WITHIN THE NORMAL SCHEDULE WHICH THE WORK CAN BE PERFORMED, AND ANSWERING WILL LET US KNOW WHAT SCHEDULE YOU MAY BE ABLE TO WORK OR NOT WORK.If there are specific days and times, including holidays, you are not available to work, please specify:If applicable, are you available to work overtime? *YesNoIf you are offered employment, when would you be available to begin work? *If hired, are you able to submit proof that you are legally eligible for employment in the United States? *YesNoDo you have experience handling and caring for horses? *YesNoList any skills or previous work history that may be useful for the job you are seeking. We are not asking for your education or previous job history because it is not really relevant to this job UNLESS you have worked with horses previously. If you have specific skills and history with horses that would be very helpful. Please let us know in the box above!References: List any two non-relatives who would be willing to provide a reference for you along with their phone numbers. *This job is physically demanding and requires being able to lift and carry bags of feed, bales of hay, feed buckets, and other things weighing up to 50lbs each. It also requires handling 300 gallon water troughs which includes draining them, moving them off blocks, cleaning them and putting them back on the blocks and refilling them. Can you lift up to 50lbs regularly? *YesNoThis is an outside job that must be done regardless of the weather, as the horses must still be cared for even when it's hot, cold, raining, snowing, or sleeting. Are you able to work outside in varying weather conditions? *YesNoDo you have experience driving an RTV and/or a tractor or forklift? *YesNoPart of this job requires driving an RTV with an automatic dump bed. You drive it around and scoop manure and stall shavings into the back of it with a manure fork. Then you drive the RTV to the compost pile and dump it. Driving a tractor is not required, but we do have a Kubota tractor with front loader, box blade, and forklift attachments. If you have experience driving a tractor, that could be very useful to us for extra projects.If yes, please tell us which equipment and your level of experience with it:Do you have experience using and maintaining equipment like chainsaws, weedeaters, lawnmowers, etc? This job does not require such, but it would be very useful if you have this experience and can occasionally use said equipment if need be. Please check the ones you have experience with:ChainsawsWeedeatersLawnmowersPlease provide any other information that you believe should be considered, including whether you are bound by any agreement with any current employer:All volunteers and employees must sign an "Authorization for Criminal Background Check" form, and we may conduct a background check with your consent. Are you willing to undergo a background check? *YesNoImportant Notice on Equine Safety: Horses are large, powerful animals with their own minds, and working with or being around them inherently involves risks. Under Texas law (Chapter 87, Civil Practice and Remedies Code), equine professionals, owners, and lessees are not liable for injuries or deaths resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities. Anyone entering our property or working with our horses must sign a liability waiver acknowledging this risk. Interacting with horses is not a decision to be taken lightly. Please check yes or no to indicate if you are willing to sign a liability waiver and accept the risks.YesNoDo you have a passion for what we are doing, saving horses from kill pens, advocating against horse slaughter, and educating the public on what happens to America's unwanted horses? Do you have interest in helping us build our nonprofit by doing things like attending fundraisers and being a spokesperson for our cause, or taking pictures and filming the horses for our social media channels, or traveling to Nirvana Mustang Sanctuary in Douglasville, TX (2.5 hours east of Denison) once per month to film updates on the mustangs we have sent there? This is not required but would be ideal and helpful if you have a strong desire to be part of our mission beyond caring for our herd. If yes, please expound.I certify that the information provided on this application is truthful and accurate. I understand that providing false or misleading information will be the basis for the rejection of my application or, if employment commences, immediate termination. If an employment relationship is created, I understand that unless I am offered a specific written contract of employment signed on behalf of the organization by its President / Executive Director, the employment relationship will be "at-will." In other words, the relationship will be entirely voluntary in nature, and either I or my employer will be able to terminate the employment relationship at any time and without cause. With appropriate notice, I will have the full and complete discretion to end the employment relationship when I choose and for reasons of my choice. Similarly, my employer will have the right. Moreover, no agent, representative, or employee of Fire Horse Refuge, Inc., except in a specific written contract of employment signed on behalf of the organization by its President / Executive Director, has the power to alter or vary the voluntary nature of the employment relationship. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THE ABOVE CERTIFICATION, AND I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO ITS TERMS. *YesNoSignature *By typing your name you are agreeing to sign this application electronically. We will also have you sign it in person if we agree to hire you.Submit